Welcome! (to you, and let’s be honest, also to myself)

I’m gonna start by explaining the title.

Welcome to my blog. This is where I’ll be laying out all the thoughts in my head that I can’t be bothered to compile into a thread on Twitter. I hope you learn a thing or two, whether it’s about me, about yourself or about the world we live in.

The reason I have also welcomed myself is because I am really bad at sticking to things (or was). I had a blog when I was 16. It has been a mere four years since then and my word do people change in their teens. It was pretentious and kinda silly. Pretentious because I was trying to appear “well educated” and “wise”. By silly I mean I wrote a blog post on Romeo and Juliet, the play we were studying at the time and entitled it with a quote. That is not me any more. Turns out, teenagers do worry about looking silly. It’s a normal part of human life and what makes us, us. So to any teens reading this, my biggest singular advice is to embrace your quirks! They’re fun and cute, and believe me, you’ll find your greatest friends by doing so. Also I don’t approve of GCSE English Literature’s format, but this is for a future blog post.

There will be none of that. What I hope to do is to STICK to this by fortnightly (or even monthly) posts and talk about fun things. Like my writing; my interests; fangirling about the Percy Jackson show that is in production, Avatar the Last Airbender and superheroes; my friends, all of whom are incredibly talented and awesome and occasionally my studies. They (my studies) are a big part of my life so sadly I will have to vent on here sometimes.

So. To you, welcome to what I hope will be an interesting journey. To myself, welcome to something fun that you will take up this year. With that, I have nothing left to say for now, so see you soon 🙂

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